Originally posted for patrons at Patreon on March 27th, 2020 at 4:12pm
A Little Quarantine Concert….
Patrons, first of all, I am keeping a strong, positive outlook for you all, knowing that the universe continues to support all of you in this time of uncertainty. I trust you are staying positive and enjoying seeing human beings come together in a way we don’t often get to see. I’m doing okay here in TN. Family is fine. We’re all staying home – especially Jason and I as we came home from being in NYC for six weeks.
Here is a bit more exclusive footage for ya’ll. There’s a duet with Eden Espinosa and Jason. Though the camera is stationary and doesn’t quite get them in the frame, I hope you dig the duets.
I am spending quite a bit of time on some spiritual studies and also working on the musical I have been creating. A perfect time to create in silence.
I can’t thank you all enough for being here. You already know the situation with nearly ever artist and actor, so this month, your patronage actually helps me survive. For that, I’m grateful beyond words. 🙏🏻 Stay safe. Stay positive. -Levi