Originally posted for patrons at Patreon on June 19th, 2018 at 1:25pm
With Pride season here, no doubt many of you have already celebrated your own personal road to self-love and personal freedom. Tis the season for every color of the rainbow to be seen and celebrated. You’ll see a colorful new music video coming soon. For now, I share with you, my patrons, how special it was to create this video. The #1 reason being my mom! Ms. Connie Lee.
To make this memory with my childhood play-buddy, my mother, was beyond special for me. Many of you have already heard stories about her. Now, you get to meet her.
Connie Lee used to give me “interview lessons” as a child. (What stage mother doesn’t do that!) She would pretend to be a talk show host and ask me about my project. (Back then it was a 10 song christian album a 13 year old Levi was touring church to church.) In this video, Connie Lee is back on the talk show circuit playing the interviewer and asking me all kinds of things! Enjoy!