celebrate me home
Since the release of my debut album, the appearance on The Apprentice and the press that followed, I still had not performed One Of The Ones in full for a live audience. I mentioned in the previous interview you read how excited I was to come home, share my music, and share my success.
So many ups and downs happened during my time in New York City; being signed to Atlantic Records, losing the record deal, my television debut on The Apprentice, coming out professionally and finding my groove as an indie artist. But Los Angeles was still home to me. I had been back for about a month when Del Shores and I spoke about doing a solo performance of my debut album at the theatre he was working with. He had just began his six month run of the Season Of Shores at the Zephyr Theatre.
Here is a collection of photos taken by Terri Johnson that tell the story of the day; afternoon set design, sound check, the show, the post show meet and greet, and all the friends that filled the seats.
Trying to recall what I can from the night, I just remember feeling proud to show my friends that I had improved in my skills and had more confidence. Crazy that I still to this day have the same potent drive to be better and better at my craft. I want people who saw me in 2019 to see me in 2021 and say, “man, you just keep getting better”. I’m always looking to top myself. I reckon I always will.
Can I state the obvious about these pictures? Orbs. Orbs, orbs everywhere. I love when older film used to capture spirits. As you look through the photos, notice how often then occur.